Below you’ll find an overview of the planned closures of the Swiss Attention Center. We follow the school holidays of the Canton of Neuchâtel. In general the short holidays are dedicated to resting and family time.  The longer ones (winter, spring and summer holidays) serve as a buffer for us to get on with the assessments and to get up to speed with our administration. During this periods no consultations are possible.

Harvest Feast 14.9 16.9 (3-day weekend)
Autumn holidays 5.10 20.10 (2 weeks)
Winter holidays 21.12 5.1 (2 weeks)
March break 22.2 2.3 (1 week)
Spring break 12.4 27.4 (2 weeks)
Labour day 1.5 4.5 (4-day weekend)
Ascension 29.5 1.6 (4-day weekend)
Pentecost 7.6 9.6 (3-day weekend)
Summer holidays 5.7 17.8 (6 weeks)
Harvest Feast 16.9 18.9 (3-day weekend)
Autumn holidays 30.9 15.10 (2 weeks)
Winter holidays 21.12 7.1 (2 weeks)
March break 24.2 3.3 (1 week)
Spring break 27.3 14.4 (2 weeks)
Labour day 1.5 1.5 (1 day)
Ascension 9.5 12.5 (4-day weekend)
Pentecost 18.5 20.5 (3-day weekend)
Summer holidays 6.7 18.8 (6 weeks)
Harvest Feast 23.9 25.9 (3-day weekend)
Autumn holidays 1.10 16.10 (2 weeks)
Winter holidays 24.12 8.1 (2 weeks)
March break 25.2 5.3 (1 week)
Spring break 7.4 23.4 (2 weeks)
Labour day 29.4 1.5 (3-day weekend)
Ascension 18.5 21.5 (3-day weekend)
Pentecost 27.5 29.5 (3-day weekend)
Summer holidays 1.7 13.08 (6 weeks)
Autumn 2.10.2021 17.10.2021 (2 weeks)
Winter 22.12.2021 9.1.2022 (2 weeks)
March 26.02.2022 6.3.2022 (1 week)
Spring 9.4.2022 24.04.2022 (2 weeks)
Summer 2.7.2022 14.08.2022 (6 weeks)
Autumn 3.10.2020 18.10.2020 (2 weeks)
Winter 24.12.2020 10.1.2021 (2 weeks)
March 27.02.2021 7.3.2021 (1 week)
Spring 2.4.2021 18.04.2021 (2 weeks)
Summer 3.7.2021 15.08.2021 (6 weeks)
Autumn 5.10.2019 20.10.2019 (2 weeks)
Winter 21.12.2019 5.1.2020 (2 weeks)
March 22.02.2020 1.3.2020 (1 week)
Spring 8.4.2020 26.04.2020 (2 weeks)
Summer 4.7.2020 16.08.2020 (6 weeks)